Knock knock . . .
The annual A trans theme Neo City means an openness to new, visionary aspects of the city. What is the new, and how do we recognize something as new?
Paradoxically, we also regard the neo as not new. In conjunction with ancillary concepts, the term neo refers to something that recurs, that is repeated or revived (i.e. Neo-Baroque).
In this exhibition series, this antagonism will be interrogated, investigated, and redefined by the invited protagonists.
The collaborateurs in 2017 A Neo City series will be: Aachen University of Applied Sciences (DE), Living Room Project Berlin & Thessaloniki with Marian Wjnvoord (Berlin | NL), Platforms project Athens 2017 with Marian Wjnvoord (Berlin | NL), Ekkehart Keintzel (Berlin | AT) & KRAATZ (Berlin | DE, NL, FR, GR, GB, DE), Andy Ninvalle (Berlin | GUY), European Heritage Days 2017 and the Berlin Network of Independent Project Spaces and Initiatives